Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Almost all ready for the baby to come!!

Well we finally had our hospital registration appointment and hospital tour last night. Jeff was bored and a lot of it didn't apply to what we will be doing because we have a midwife, but I am glad it's done and other with. The chair rail is now all up and the primer coat has been put on. So all I have to do is put the top coat on the chair rail, do a few touch ups on the baseboards where the chalk board paint leaked under the tape, put the baseboard up and set the room up. I will post pictures as soon as it's done.

Hopefully later today or tomorrow I will be picking up our change table and Friday or Saturday my mom and I will be going to purchase the rest of the stuff we still need before the baby comes.

Today I hope to finish all of the babies laundry and the thank you cards for the shower.

Eeeks time is going by so quickly only 18 more days until my due date!!


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