Friday, January 30, 2009


I made it through my last night shift, barely!! I was so tired when I got home yesterday morning, but alas I could not get comfortable to actually sleep. So I stayed in bed until I had to get up for my midwife appointment and then got up, got ready and went. She confirmed that the baby had dropped, she didn't say what station, but she did say that the baby is engaged in the birth canal. So I was right!! We talked about me stopping work and she agreed that if it's getting that hard for me and my body is doing what it is doing that its time to stop. Thank God!! We also set the date for our house visit, Feb 9, eeks I have to clean this house!!

Also, Jeff and I went to Lowes last night to look at the tile they have on scale for our bathroom floor and got it. We also got the chair rail for the babies room and a fan/light for the bathroom. By the time we got home I was beyond exhausted and in bed before 9 pm and I actually slept almost 6 hours straight last night!! First time in a long time that that has happened.

Today is hopefully going to be pretty low key. I am going to visit my grammy and fix her computer and then Jeff and I are going to youth group tonight.

Tomorrow is the GTA GTG with my nesties and I quite excited for that. Plus after brunch Jeff and I are meeting up with his friend Aric to do maternity photos at his studio.

Busy weekend for me!!


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