Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So dispite deciding to wait to start TTC next April/May, were PREGNANT!! A little bit of a surprise and not an oops as Jeff would call it. I go for my initial appointment with my family doctor tomorrow for blood work, to get a pregnancy vitamins and to get a referral to a midwife.

I almost still don't believe it and I starting spotting brown today. So I'm not totally sure what to think at this point.

I called my doctors office for reassurance and she moved my appointment from Friday to Thursday morning and suggested I relax today and keep my feel up. I have tried to do both as much as possible.

So once we have our appointment tomorrow and verify things with the doctor I am telling my mom, sister and grandmother, probably on Friday. Sometime next week we will have to go visit Jeff's parents to give them the good news. They are all going to be so excited.

The room I am currently sitting in will be the future nursary. I can't wait!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm in someone else's body

So needless to say I have kind of let things go in the way of my healthy eating and exercising since my wedding last November. I feel like I am trapped in someone else's body. My clothes don't feel right (well the one's that still fit) and I'm not confortable in most of my underwear.

I have been trying to get back in to is since the beginning of May, but with the move and all I haven't made the time. So far this week I have gone to do cardio yesterday and today and I have a training appointment tomorrow. I think my goal for this week is to track what I am eating even if I go over my calories, so I can see where I am, try to get at least 30 mins of some for of exercise per day and try to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.

I just want to feel like me again and be able to wear my summer clothes (I can't even get any of the shorts or capri's all the way up let alone done up) that looked so great on me last summer.


Our move to the townhouse

So I realize that we moved a week ago and I am just blogging about it, but hey better late than never.

This move went much smoother than the move to our apartment. This were more organized and we had a bigger truck and got everything moved over in one shot. I have completely unpacked the kitchen, both bathrooms and parts of our master bedroom. The computer desk and computer are set up in the computer room and the rest is still in box's. The spareroom which is housing my sister furniture until she goes back to university in the fall is not unpacked at all, but my mom is coming to help me with that this week. So my tasks for tomorrow are to unpack and put away all the stuff for the china cabinent, unpack my clothes and stuff in the bedroom and organize all of our movies, CD's and DVD's and well as organizing the three storage cupboards in the basement.

I also have to going to the gym for my trainer appointment and possibly go to the Young Adults group at the church with Jeff.

I can't get wanting a baby out of my head!!

So Jeff and I have been talking about babies and when we want to start TTC. Currently his position at work is contract and the contract ends next April, so we want to make sure he is full time before we go ahead. Jeff also wants to go on at least two more vacations before we start TTC. One of those vacations will likely be our one year anniversary trip in Oct/Nov of this year and the other in April of next year with our friends who are getting married this September. But how do I make the wanting stop. It makes me totally crazy and I have not been very careful with our fertility charting because of how crazy it is making me.

So my questions is what do I do in the mean time to make this incessant wanting stop?? If it doesn't I'm either going to end up pregnant early or go completely mental and have to be admitted to a psych ward.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mean People

I often wonder why some people are so mean to others.

Like today, I posted a thread in a message board asking for advice. Some people were nice and gave what advice they could and others were down right rude.

This one girl even had the gall to say that I was making nurses look dumb because I didn't remember something I learned in anatomy & physiology 5 years ago, when I haven't used it or cared about is since.

I have a hard time knowing what makes them think they can treat people like that. What makes them better than the rest of us? What did I do to deserve her rude comments?

I will pray to God that she get's the help she needs to deal with whatever makes her feel like it is ok to treat another human being like that and leave it for him to deal with.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Realizations I had today

So I was at work day talking to the girls in the back room and I realized two things:

1) I really have missed my mom and my sister and I am glad they are both moving back to Burlington, so that I can see them move often. I didn't really believe that until I said it today. I cannot wait till the are back down here and I can see them whenever!!

2) I totally want to get pregnant now, not in a year. A girl at work was coerced in to telling us she is 8 weeks pregnant and I'm so happy for her, but jealous at the same time. I galls them that they also weren't trying to get pregnant, much like everyone else I know that is pregnant now. I almost wish that Jeff and I could have an oops and get pregnant, cause I don't know how I am going to last a whole year before trying. I also still have this gut feeling that were not going to get pregnant easily, that we are going to have to really work to get pregnant and struggle with IF first. Call me crazy, but I just feel like we will.

Well that's it for today, just needed to get that off my chest.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Something to start with

Ok so we finally did it. We went to a couples counsellor and hashed out our problems. I felt almost silly at first, because how could we have this many problems and we've only been married 6 months. Our counsellor didn't seem to think so. He said it was great that we came this early because couples have a better chance of staying married if they do couples counselling in the first two years of marriage. Bonus for us. We have homework and we need to start treating each other according to the 17 rules of marriage he gave us. Also we need to read a book called The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Mordechai Gottman, John Gottman, Nan Silver.

So tomorrow I have to start packing our apartment and first home as a married couple. I asked myself last week when we found out the move was a go it I was sad. Honestly I'm not at all, this place has been hell with us fighting and the problems here. I can't wait to get out of here. The plans for the new place are well on there way.

Can't wait for June 1, 2008 our moving day!!