Thursday, May 21, 2009

3 Month Stats

Catherine had her second shot on her modified schedule today. She also got weighted and her length and head circumference were taken.

Weight is 11 lbs 10 oz
Height is 25.5 inches
Head Circumference is 15.5

Tall skinny baby!! She did quite well with her shot and only cried for about 15 seconds. As soon as I started making faces at her she was happy smiling and babbling.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Catherine is 3 months old!!

Well again I have been delinquent and not posted. What can I say having a colicky baby does that. She seems to be sorting herself out now, so I am hopeful that the crying will be much better. Catherine smiles, babbles and plays with Mr. Monkey and Mr. Zebra. I cannot believe how quickly she is growing. She loves time on her back, but hates tummy time no matter how I disguise it. Despite not posting I have at least been taking pictures each month that I will post now.

1 Month Old:

2 Months Old:

3 Months Old:
